


Venue details

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Contact Details




The Shepherds Bush Arts Club Website


December 2005

Greg Gregory and Simon Smith gave a short talk and performance of guitar and the Blues Harp
Steve Venus showed his latest painting
Charlie Quinn played guitar

November 2005

Hugh Hill, photographer, gave a talk and slide show of some of his work.
Peter MacDonald gave a performance of and talk about Indian drumming
Simon Smith recited a poem
Bettenoire gave a talk on being a sadomasachistic dungeon mistress.


October 2005

Niall McDevitt read poetry to celebrate National Poetry day
Jo Silver performed 3 sung poems
Sankhara Messado sang
Daiva Stravinskaite exhibited some of her paintings on leather


September 2005

Niall McDevitt performed some of his poems
DJ Andy Timlin talked about mixing music
Simon Smith read one of his works aloud
Simon Smith and Steve Venus exhibited art works
One of the Chef's from the restaurant upstairs performed 2 Russian songs