
If you're an artist who lives in or near to Eastbourne and wants to learn more about using Twitter then you've come to the right place. I shall write out the scheme of works soon but meanwhile please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further enquiries, either by using the contact link above or you can call 07956358796.

Please note, if you have a DISABILITY of ANY KIND (including minor and hidden disabilities), you may be elligible for 10 lessons on a one to one basis in your hom~e for around £6.50 per lesson. (the fee is based on income) Please contact me for further details.

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Session 1 "The Basics Of Using A Digital Camera".

Duration: 4 hours, including 2 half hour working breaks.
Price: £100 can be split between 1 to 8 people
Venue: Either at 70 Royal Parade, Eastbourne, or can be a mutually agreed venue.

Session contents


Part 1

This session consists of three hour long sessions divided by 2 half hour working breaks.
Introduction and ground rules (10 minutes)
What to think about when getting a digital camera (10 minutes)
Discussing the advantages and disadvantages of using a digital camera (10 minutes)
Common features of a digital camera (5 minutes
Protecting the lens / camera / use the strap and lens cap, cleaning techniques. (5 minutes)
Switching a camera on and off (5 minutes)
Taking a picture in automatic mode and looking at the pictures (15 minutes)

Working Break (20 minutes)
Practice whilst  having refreshments (Tea, coffee, squash and biscuits available)

Part 2

Changing from taking a photograph to looking at pictures / video and setup modes. (20 minutes)
Recording video footage. (20 minutes)
Focusing using the halfway down shutter release button (the "lock down" technique) (20 minutes

Mini Break ( 20 minutes)
Practice whilst  having refreshments (Tea, coffee, squash and biscuits available)

Part 3

Turning the flash on and off (20 minutes)
Using Macro mode (20 minutes)
Deleting images and video on the memory card either individually or all of them (15 minutes)
Session Ending (5 minutes)


Eastbourne Classes
Bespoke and Standard Classes for Eastbourne Residents